We take great pride in our strong customer focus and know that looking after our customers and their patients helps build loyalty and eventually you can become a respected supplier. Because of this focus the company has grown to be a trusted and respected player in the NZ Optical Market, distributing an extensive selection of brands from all over the World.
Early in 2024 Graeme Bond decided it was time to hit the golf course permanently and retire after the best part of 50 years in Optics. Damian, who started with us in 2021, and Paul now have the pleasure of visiting optical practices throughout all of NZ.
Also in 2024 following the closure of Look Sharp Eyewear, sales star Paula Hollobon along with her current brand portfolio, joined Dynamic Eyewear to work alongside the boys covering good old NZ
We are ably supported by our Christchurch based office and warehouse with Mia & Sarah tending to all your needs. Truly Dynamic!